This dissertation falls within the research line of Education, Institutions, and
Educational Policies (EIPE) of the Graduate Program in Education (Stricto Sensu) at
University Center of Inhumas – UniMais. The study focuses on public policies for
preventing violence in the school environment. The general objective is to investigate
and comprehend public policies for preventing school violence within the context of
schools in Goiás. To achieve this, specific objectives include: presenting concepts
related to school violence, including its manifestations and implications in the
educational environment; identifying different perspectives and discourses found in
academic literature and official documents concerning violence in schools,
considering the viewpoints of scholars, educational policy makers, and other
specialists; understanding the relevant legislation for preventing school violence in
Goiás (2003-2023), identifying its main strategies, programs, and actions
implemented to promote a culture of peace in schools, along with their challenges
and prospects for development within the educational context. The adopted
methodology is qualitative research through theoretical bibliographic and
documentary studies. Thus, the research aims to provide an understanding of the
issue of school violence, focusing on public policies, programs, and projects aimed at
its prevention and intervention, with particular attention to the educational context in
Goiás. It can be asserted that school violence and attacks on schools in Brazil reflect
broader and more complex social issues, highlighting the motivations of aggressors,
weaknesses in education, and emergency prevention measures. School violence
represents a multifaceted challenge that requires evidence-based public policies and
a culture of peace in educational institutions, involving both government and civil
society as well as educational entities.