The present study was developed within the scope of the Post-Graduate Program in
Education at Centro Universitário Mais - UNIMAIS in the Education Research Line,
Political Educational Institutions, with the following objective: to investigate the
challenges of teachers who teach English in middle school, analyzing how the
curriculum developed based on BNCC and DC-GO relates to technological support.
Thus, the specific objectives outlined are: I) describe the Languages course in Brazil;
present the profile of the formation of English teachers in middle school) based on
the curricular guidelines of the Languages course, present the main competences of
these professionals and III) present the technological knowledge of English language
content from the perspective of content development, pedagogical development, and
technological development in the theoretical perspective of Shulman (1986) and
Mishra & Koehler (2005). The methodology used was documentary research
(according to Minayo, 1998) and bibliographic research (according to Gil, 2008),
based on the qualitative approach (according to Moura, 2016 and Lakatos, 2001) and
Technical Document Analysis. In the descriptive nature - research that aims to probe
the opinions, attitudes, and beliefs of a population was included (GIL, 2008). The
data collection method will be approached by addressing the perspectives proposed
by Michel Pêcheaux (1988). Data interpretation occurred through the analysis of the
statements present in the documents, verifying whether English language teachers
use technologies as pedagogical tools for their classes.