Facmais - Unidade: Inhumas: Recent submissions

  • OLIVEIRA, Letícia Dourado de; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-16)
    This monograph makes an analyzes about pregnant women in the jails of Brazil, aiming to describe characteristics of those who serve penalty, mainly those who are on collective habeas corpus, granted on ...
  • OLIVEIRA, Italo Cristiano Pereira de; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    ABSTRACT The present research is about the effectiveness of Mediation as a method of conflict resolution in pre-procedural and procedural situations. We searched for a bibliographical research for the ...
  • LIMA, Fabíola Caetano Ribeiro; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-05-12)
    The present activity of course completion propose a discussion about the instruments of land occupation, according to the installment of urban land, which settle the minimal urbanistic standard to ...
  • TELES, Claudio Henrique torres; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-05-12)
  • SILVA, Bruno Candido da; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    This study aims to present the real situation faced by the transgender people in the job market as well as analyze the jurisprudence aimed at defending the rights of these people. Specific objectives ...
  • CRUZ, André Luiz da; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-16)
    Even though there are laws that guide Brazilian traffic, the number of accidents and deaths is still exorbitant. Realizing the impact that traffic accidents have on society, this study aimed to analyze the effectiveness ...
  • NUNES, Ana Paula Fonseca; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-16)
    Elderly adoption a possibility. The present study aims to present the evolutionary process of adoption in Brazil, all forms and possibilities of adoption as provided for by law and the still without legal ...
  • COSTA FILHO, Welington Vaz da; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-05-16)
    In the current reality of the digital age, we are experiencing a period in which technology is improved to certain types of people making its use easier, criminal minds are increasingly applying fraud in this digital area, ...
  • PIMENTA, João Carlos Santos; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    The present work has the theme of ostensive police and the violation of human rights. Its objective is to identify the humanitarian bases capable of guiding the actions of the ostensive police, identifying the main points ...
  • SILVEIRA, Victor Fabiane Guimarães; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    The present work seeks to understand the systematic of the principles of law, highlighting the principle of insignificance that has been gaining prominence in the Brazilian criminal legal scenario, although not yet expressly ...
  • PIRES, Thais Monielly Campos; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-11-14)
    The present work has as objective a study of respect to the vulnerability and hyposufficiency in the consumption relations. Initially, introductory lines to consumer law were launched, punctuating basic ...
  • PIMENTA, Wictor Gonçalo; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-16)
    In dealing with all means of slavery, throughout history, in which a worker is exploited in his work is notorious, this exploitation comes after many things and among them or what is more complex to understand, if he is a ...
  • SANTANA, Yago Rodrigues do Nascimento; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to analyze overcrowding, which is a problem faced throughout the prison system and brings with it numerous imbroglios, some related to the rights of the prisoner, and others ...
  • ALBERTO, Alisson Ribeiro; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    The purpose of this paper is to explore Tax Planning, the three most common tax regimes, namely Real Profit Presumed Profit and Simple National, to present its regulations for a better understanding of the subject, and ...
  • SOUZA, Carlos Augusto de Paula; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    The purpose of this article is the theme: the relevance of accounting expertise in court decisions. Thus, it aims to present the influence of the Accounting Expertise in the Judicial scope, as it provides the judge with ...
  • MELO, Daiany Souza; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    This paper aims to highlight the reflexes of Complementary Law 155/2016 for the Accounting Office Taxed by Simples Nacional, since this law modified Complementary Law 123/2006, which regulates Simples Nacional. Thus, the ...
  • BENTO, Jean Carlos; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    This is an approach to securing a financially sound retirement with adequate investment. Analyze capital market resources for extra retirement income. It was used for the elaboration of this scientific article the method ...
  • SILVA, Julielly de Jesus; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    The e-Social is an electronic system, its purpose is to unify the rendering of accounts to governmental, fiscal, labor and social security agencies. The article aims to present the relevance of the Personnel Department's ...
  • BERNARDINI, Lidianne Gomes; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    With the theme Individual Microentrepreneur, its relevance to society and the impacts generated by the non-mandatory accountant, the research started from the general objective of analyzing and solving the main doubts ...
  • SILVA, Nádia Regina de Almeida; http://lattes.cnpq.br (Faculdade FacmaisBrasilDepartamento 1FACMAIS, 2019-12-12)
    Questa ricerca mira a discutere della holding, a coprire i suoi tipi di specie viste come un'opzione aziendale, nonché a riferire, più in dettaglio, alla holding di famiglia, concentrandosi principalmente sui suoi vantaggi ...